Today I Killed ...>

#167414 49 Tue Sep 27 20:22:24 1994 golden spud [viewable problem user] @ Golden Spud's Greasehouse, Custer, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I use #AUTOROOM, and I have a NETID.CIT. A NETID.CIT that was started from 0 bytes.
#167563 49 Tue Sep 27 23:04:17 1994 uncle herb ['erblink 202.667.7335] @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
Brent Bottles lost the net.
#167415 49 Wed Sep 28 09:48:03 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
well, I'm SO vain that I ask for 462 rooms...
#167564 49 Wed Sep 28 20:15:04 1994 Saint Bob @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
Solution: don't kill the rooms. Let them stack up in your maintenance hall, which nobody should have access to anyway. That way they get netted whether you want them or not. Better for the net.
#167562 49 Wed Sep 28 20:52:39 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
I have a 50K NETID.CIT big woo
#167760 49 Thu Sep 29 19:13:17 1994 golden spud [viewable problem user] @ Golden Spud's Greasehouse, Custer, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Dang. My NETID.CIT is only 31,472 bytes... What would be an ideal citadel feature (one that I'm considering implementing one of these days) is multiple message bases. You could have a passthru.dat which would be your Pass through message base, and it would be 1 or 2 megs... all of the rooms that you don't want filling up/scrolling your main message base could me moved to passthru, and would still net.
#167761 49 Fri Sep 30 10:03:57 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
autoroom is evil but useful @ times...
#167664 49 Fri Sep 30 10:32:44 1994 [3fI'm back as0] Black Wolf [3eSir Rolfsalot....0] @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
I only request and net a total of 162 rooms, and most definetly have autoroom turned off.
#167994 49 Sat Oct 1 18:06:19 1994 [Cyberpunk] FRuG @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
Or anthoer idea would be to put the number of messages in a room in ROOMREQ.* files. So if someone passes you a roomreq with a new room and there are 0 messages in it then cit won't auto-create it. Another way to do this is just create a new room if a message from that room is passed to you. There should be some mechanizm for 'decaying' rooms. Lets say.... after 30 days without a message, the room disappears and removed from NETID.CIT. A room like dies... from neglect.
#168427 49 Sat Oct 1 23:55:56 1994 [What's to eat?] Bookworm [cleared the shelves.] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
Sounds good Frug. It would keep the room numbers down at least.
#168579 49 Mon Oct 3 13:58:51 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
All this silly going about worrying about number of rooms. There's no harm in carrying a dead room because it'll have no impact on your messagebase and very very little impact on the rest of the .dat files, and then if it livens up again, there you go!
#169021 49 Mon Oct 3 17:53:51 1994 golden spud [viewable problem user] @ Golden Spud's Greasehouse, Custer, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Lab Rat brings up a good point. It'd be nice to be able to tell it to move empty rooms to an "Empty Rooms" hall after a while, though, to simulate their death, so they're not in your way. Or something like that.
#168626 49 Mon Oct 3 19:45:03 1994 [No more words] ZooKeeper [No more promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
nononononooooo!!!!! then those of us who are out of town or distracted and don't get to all the rooms to toss stuff into them would lose some really cool rooms that get forgotten about sometimes. ghastly!
#168628 49 Mon Oct 3 22:07:37 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Drop that one into the Suggestions room, FR丟.
#168627 49 Mon Oct 3 23:25:30 1994 [No more words] ZooKeeper [No more promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
lr -- bingo!
#169022 49 Tue Oct 4 18:22:47 1994 [What's to eat?] Bookworm [cleared the shelves.] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
True GS. Maybe somebody will come up with a way.
#169023 49 Tue Oct 4 19:44:52 1994 Torch Song @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
"Strange Observations for Today" "Yo Momma" killed by request...
#169266 49 Tue Oct 4 23:05:38 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
SOFT had so much promise... darn.
#169024 49 Tue Oct 4 23:21:40 1994 [No more words] ZooKeeper [No more promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I'm going to keep SOFT until I see if the rest of the net has a use for it. stranger things have happened... I'm not sure when, but they might well have...
#169369 49 Wed Oct 5 14:47:24 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, sea
You can always create another SOFT that, grouped properly, only annoy the hell out of people who carry their own grouped SOFTs with crossfed messages! and net96 will certainly move empty net rooms to their own graveyard hall, and upon reawakening ask if you'd like them moved back.
#169367 49 Wed Oct 5 15:52:16 1994 Torch Song @ Twilight Voice, South Wall, Up North, US/WA/WHATCOM
I killed a whole bunch of stuff here, but since I'm the only one here, it doesn't much matter to the rest of the net, does it?
#169368 49 Wed Oct 5 22:12:38 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Ditto, Zookie.
#169676 49 Thu Oct 6 21:39:52 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Don't tell me, Lab Rat... You've gotten together with The Team. :) Sounds like a darn good idea to me.
Today I Killed ...> _