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#175302 51 Fri Oct 21 15:12:43 1994 Elisabeth Perrin @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Where's the cheapest place in Seatt;e to buy feeder goldfish?
#175303 51 Fri Oct 21 20:25:12 1994 Puddleglum @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
Elizabeth, your in a rut. Unfortunantly, I have no answer to your question.ū
#175553 51 Sat Oct 22 06:54:30 1994 Elisabeth Perrin @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
You spelled my name wrong. There has to be someone else on this network who reads this room who knows where to buy cheap goldfish.
#175774 51 Sat Oct 22 12:23:46 1994 JayDee @ Loka, Seattle
then be nice, EP, and they might tell you
#175775 51 Sat Oct 22 21:06:51 1994 Elisabeth Perrin @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
I'm fairly nice in this room.
#177086 51 Sun Oct 23 11:18:41 1994 [Memory Alpha SysGoddess] Heather R. Scott @ Memory Alpha, Kent, U.S.A.
Hmmm... try the pet store down on Rainier by Walker.
#176360 51 Tue Oct 25 13:22:35 1994 [3bBEWARE:0] SkyWise [Has rabies!] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
Try sneaking into some rich person's yard, (like Bill Gates) and taking some of the goldfish out of their ornamental pond.
#176113 51 Tue Oct 25 18:43:24 1994 Freejack @ Digital Free America, CyberHell, USA
though i'm not from seattle... the cheapest places will almost always be the *largest* pet shops...
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