#167526 49 Wed Sep 28 13:42:44 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, sea
Yeah but what did Mr. Gump save you from? although that big dude in the leather did look at least harmless. appearances can be deceiving however.
#167461 49 Wed Sep 28 17:45:37 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
grrr. everytime i start to pull out of my evil glowering mood someone says/does something to shove me right back in again. >said whilst mentally stopming with great fervor<
#167462 49 Wed Sep 28 18:06:46 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
okay quiz time: am i being too picky? my standards may be too high. perhaps this is my problem. little things like no smoking, heavy drinking, or drugs. i used to list no drinking period but then it became apparent that everyone but me drinks so i had to modify it. and the intelligence to carry on a conversation without cue cards. and please please please local because these long distance things are killing me and my bank account. alas. there are none to be found. damn damn damn damn. and now my thoughts are becoming disjointed in that fashion which means i'm about to create a bit of verbal spewage to add to my collection. ans they still haven't deliverd my paper, dammit.
#167463 49 Thu Sep 29 05:07:46 1994 [Cyberpunk] FRuG @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
Well, if you want we can spew bits of info down at Archers tavern. I'll get drinks and we'll have a merry ol' time.
#167527 49 Thu Sep 29 15:10:17 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
urg. i had a rant but i've forgotten it. now i'm even forgetting my rants. something is very wrong.
#167528 49 Thu Sep 29 20:27:27 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
let me tell you how much i'm enjoying this fine cuisine. things you can do with noodle-roni. just heat and serve. yumers. sigh. and look at that pot. there's enough for two but look around. there's just me. and my clutter. still haven't had time to recover from last weekend. and my parents think they're coming up on saturday but i'll be gone tomorrow evening hopefully if i can find anyone to accompany me to that outdoor concert thing+++ and damn that incoming call thing not even for me.sigh. another day another dead dream.
#167529 49 Thu Sep 29 20:29:51 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
and someone explain to me why i keep hiting read <f>orward. and no inviting people to go drinking in my room dammit. that's the rule right after no talking about video games.
#167921 49 Fri Sep 30 11:03:48 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
lk;dasfsdalkjs stop stop lr you're causing me physical pain. oh and can you tell me why mary stark keeps sending me nasty email?
#167739 49 Fri Sep 30 18:53:55 1994 [God Is Dead,] The Devil [And No One Cares...] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
I don't drink, or do drugs, only smoke cloves occasionally. I can hold the occasional intelligent conversation. I'm Okay in bed. And I dig chocolate. But I'm not local to B-ham. Do you love me anyway? Please?
#167740 49 Fri Sep 30 20:39:35 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
liar -- you are better than just okay in bed.
#167738 49 Fri Sep 30 21:16:33 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
ya'ever notice how when you're around a lot of happy people and then you go home and everything is so quiet. i almost wish someone would call me because then i would have someone to talk to. i swear i've given my phone number to every sentient being west of the mississippi. but to no avail. but enough of prudence's pity party. i need milk but i've done too much walking to day to toddle down to the store now. so it'll be a non-milk evening. he, i can bake chocolate chip cookies without milk. that's what i'll do to entertain myself.
#167858 49 Fri Sep 30 22:58:04 1994 [Hey Little Girl,] Virus [Want A Piece Of Candy?] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
I Drink, Do Drugs, And I Quit Smoking Cloves......
#167859 49 Fri Sep 30 23:52:31 1994 szNeonx @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
I am dead, my body just hasn't quit working yet.
#167920 49 Sat Oct 1 04:45:14 1994 [dfcdfedeThe immortal0] Lejes [eof the bNine Hells!!0] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
Haven't done drugs for awhile...don't drink...smoke American Spirits continuouly...(helps me stay sober)
#167922 49 Sat Oct 1 13:12:55 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
LR> I'm pretty sure at least three people in new york have your number too... although you were sure happy to hear my voice.
#167980 49 Sat Oct 1 17:51:51 1994 [Cyberpunk] FRuG @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
I say a handfull of us walk over to La Reine's house. Go to the grocery store and buy dinner stuff, go back to her house, and co-operatively make dinner and snacks together. Maybe watch a movie or two.
#168041 49 Sun Oct 2 01:02:55 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
yeah but i get to talk to you all the time on the net, silly boy. ;) and who are these people in new york with my phone number? and first you have to figure out wher ei live, frug, altho if you want to watch any movies you'd better nake it fast as labrat will want his tv/vcr back eventually soonish.
#168421 54 Sun Oct 2 12:56:15 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
I didin't realize you qualified as a handful of people FRuG...
#168486 54 Sun Oct 2 17:35:14 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
it's my room.if i want to call you aunt bertha i'm entitled.
#168485 54 Sun Oct 2 17:51:59 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
well as for talking on the net it had been like a week or more since I had heard your voice; sometimes that's nice too. and would you stop calling me silly boy. only brent calls me that.
#168487 54 Sun Oct 2 21:58:01 1994 [need you dream you find you] GorgonZolA SlinKy [taste you fuck you use you] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
or uncle norman
#168488 54 Mon Oct 3 08:30:32 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
there was a particularly large beetleish creature in my kitchen this morning. this is beginning to be rather habitual. see leanne -- see leanne skip biology -- see leanne modem rather than eat breakfast -- see leanne hit herself over the head with a large brick.
#168569 54 Mon Oct 3 13:41:11 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
well if you call me sillyboy or aunt bertha or fuckface (uncle norman is okay I guess) I won't respond.
#168848 54 Mon Oct 3 14:06:29 1994 [I have come from Isles] GB [to say hello.] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
good leanne!
#168849 54 Mon Oct 3 14:46:03 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
#168568 54 Mon Oct 3 17:13:13 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
or even bob, but only if i'm riled. i think this lack of sleep condition suits me. i wonder if i could make croutons if i thought aboutit real hard and investigated the contents of my fridge.
#168850 54 Mon Oct 3 18:12:57 1994 [I have come from Isles] GB [to say hello.] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
<rubbing face> Ouch. I felt that.
#169279 54 Tue Oct 4 13:46:57 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
I'd be honored if you called me bob. And you should really stop biting your nails. ;> why haven't you been sleeping and going to biology?
#169280 54 Tue Oct 4 14:18:43 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
major earth-shaking announcement: i have finally come to the realization that what everyone kept tellin gme was true -- i don't need a man to be happy. life is beautiful.
#169283 54 Tue Oct 4 15:05:50 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
finally a clue (!)
#169281 54 Tue Oct 4 15:09:32 1994 [need you dream you find you] GorgonZolA SlinKy [taste you fuck you use you] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
(she's come out of the closet)
#169282 54 Tue Oct 4 16:56:08 1994 [I have come from Isles] GB [to say hello.] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
Cool... well... I guess I can go home now...
#169284 54 Tue Oct 4 20:38:35 1994 [Hey Little Girl,] Virus [Want A Piece Of Candy?] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
Bye Bye........
#169285 54 Wed Oct 5 07:27:28 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
froot loops are the food of the gods.
#169494 54 Wed Oct 5 14:26:56 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
<throws hands up in air> HALLE-luja! Praise-a the deity(s)! At last I can sleep.
#169495 54 Wed Oct 5 17:28:33 1994 [I have come from Isles] GB [to say hello.] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
Froot Loops? argh... I don't have much of a sweet tooth actually...
#169559 54 Thu Oct 6 08:25:36 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
froot loops are wonderful. get the right box and you too could have an aladdin color change spoon.
#169952 54 Fri Oct 7 11:28:20 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
The spoon is the most important part. Right LR?
#169950 54 Fri Oct 7 13:32:00 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
then you can give them to m!
#169949 54 Fri Oct 7 13:59:27 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, sea
But what if we don't want an aladdin color change spoon or little disgusting loops of sugar-soaked wheat substitute?
#169951 54 Fri Oct 7 15:51:32 1994 [I have come from Isles] GB [to say hello.] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
Hmm... I like umm.... pepsi... it is the beverage of gods...
#170297 54 Sat Oct 8 14:19:41 1994 [Hey Little Girl,] Virus [Want A Piece Of Candy?] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
All I Wanted Was A Pepsi, Just On Pepsi !
#170160 54 Sat Oct 8 17:02:24 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
of course. if you don't have the color change spoon then it's not worth it.
#170298 54 Sat Oct 8 22:54:44 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
and she wouldn't give it to me!!!!!!!!
#170299 54 Sun Oct 9 00:25:53 1994 [Hey Little Girl,] Virus [Want A Piece Of Candy?] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
What Are You Tryin' To Say, I'm Crazy???¨¨¨!!!­­­
#170522 54 Sun Oct 9 08:27:05 1994 [I have come from Isles] GB [to say hello.] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
I feel excluded.
#170523 54 Sun Oct 9 12:36:21 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
geez, someone give Virus a Pepsi!
#170715 54 Sun Oct 9 13:00:17 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
Just get a box of Froot Loops GB and things will be o.k.
#170524 54 Sun Oct 9 13:21:17 1994 [Animaniac] Yacko Warner [Hello Nurse!] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
It smells like the food court at the mall in here,I'll trade you my color change spoon for a one way ticket out of this room.........
#170716 54 Sun Oct 9 13:56:30 1994 [After being with] Endo [LR couln't even walk] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
<ahem> uh... well um. I like sprite. I'll be leaving now.
#170525 54 Sun Oct 9 14:07:38 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
you know, i could arrange a mysterious demise for that lad.....
#170526 54 Sun Oct 9 14:07:53 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
when i went to your schools, your churches....
#171239 54 Sun Oct 9 22:55:34 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
Mountain Dew. Anything else is just soda water. what if we just have an intense urge to eat the magic aladdin color-change spoon and find that we do so? then what?
#170625 54 Sun Oct 9 23:08:19 1994 Torch Song @ Twilight Voice, City in the Clouds, US/WA/WHATCOM
Ick... Virus, you can have any P**si I find around here...ick...
#171196 54 Mon Oct 10 07:41:21 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
Don't ask Lab Rat, trust me you don't wanna know....
#171195 54 Mon Oct 10 11:27:26 1994 [Hey Little Girl,] Virus [Want A Piece Of Candy?] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
I Think Alot Of People Didn't Hear The Song I Was Posting The Lyrics To, But I Know LR Did, Because We Tortured Her With It....
#171194 54 Mon Oct 10 17:27:02 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
if you can indeed eat the color change spoon, be my guest. i just bought another box of froot loops because i had a coupon but i don't know what color spoon i got since i haven't even finished the last box.
#171299 54 Mon Oct 10 23:35:22 1994 Jack Daniels @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
I'm not Crazy, you're the one that's crazy!
#171112 54 Tue Oct 11 00:43:42 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I don't know, lr -- what happened when you ate the copy card?
#171300 54 Tue Oct 11 01:20:33 1994 [The Homeless] Rabbit Killer [Gathers no moss] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
You're driving me crazy...
#171298 54 Tue Oct 11 08:31:57 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
i do have the repo man soundtrack, virus. i can torture myself any time i wish.
#171435 54 Tue Oct 11 14:36:23 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
so, in the great almighty foo pyramid of nutrition -- can i count kool-aid as a fruit?
#171436 54 Wed Oct 12 00:06:49 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
LR -- depends on the flavor, but sure, sounds good to me. now why won't anyone understand that I did eat, I put milk in my coffee?
#171529 54 Thu Oct 13 09:06:59 1994 Solitaire @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
That's odd..
#171955 54 Thu Oct 13 21:55:51 1994 [need you dream you find you] GorgonZolA SlinKy [taste you fuck you use you] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
LR: felt the same way for days.
#171657 54 Thu Oct 13 22:37:06 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
i don't even understand what's being posted in my own room. how strange. went to se timothy leary speak today. not as impressive as i had hoped.
#171658 54 Fri Oct 14 00:03:59 1994 [Under The Sea] LITTLE MERMAID @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
what ever that was suposed to mean... I sure hope thats not some bad stuff sent to yuo LaReine! they would have to be well ...mmoooooooooooooooaaaahaahaha!!! (you know)!!!!>;-)
#171956 54 Fri Oct 14 05:59:36 1994 [Hey Little Girl,] Virus [Want A Piece Of Candy?] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
But LR's More Likely To Do It Then You....
#171957 54 Fri Oct 14 07:04:26 1994 [need you dream you find you] GorgonZolA SlinKy [taste you fuck you use you] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
of course she is becasue I'm apathetic social loser
#172268 54 Sat Oct 15 08:09:05 1994 [need you dream you find you] GorgonZolA SlinKy [taste you fuck you use you] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
LA REINE: let's have a patheti-thon
#172498 54 Sat Oct 15 16:18:41 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
okay! but you have to come up here.
#172497 54 Sat Oct 15 19:56:28 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
wow there are police outside. i wonder what's up. and last night at 2:25 am i got a request for a collect call and i couldn't understand who from so i said no.
#172543 54 Sun Oct 16 13:11:09 1994 [Princess] Lilith [The Insane] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
ok, ok, i get the message! i'll call already...
#172546 54 Sun Oct 16 18:04:39 1994 [Just call me] Megamol [@ tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
So LA REINE, what was going on with the cops outside....don't leave us all in suspenders....
#172544 54 Sun Oct 16 19:06:15 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
Gorgy > how about a patheticon, and then we can all show up and just kind of mill around whining? or is a patheticon a very small amphitheatre in rome? <smack> ow. god that dj talks too much. but then I say that every time he opens his mouth. I wonder what that means.
#172545 54 Sun Oct 16 19:16:58 1994 [need you dream you find you] GorgonZolA SlinKy [taste you fuck you use you] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
Lab Rat: intensly funny. (the amphitheatre) well... ok...
#172918 54 Mon Oct 17 18:40:48 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
Without suspenders, what's left to snap?
#173331 54 Mon Oct 17 21:45:30 1994 [Just call me] Megamol [@ tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
my temper and my mind could both snap about now... They're doing remodeling at work and were using some sort of gun thingy to put bolts into a cement wall. Sounded like a gun, used gunpowder charges so it stunk up the whole store, not to mention the ringing in my ears.........anything could snap...anything at all.
#173330 54 Tue Oct 18 01:42:26 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I think they took her away.
#173358 54 Tue Oct 18 15:14:33 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
oh... {{Meg}}} that's awful! Gahd, I can hear that up here! ouch... :> Hope they quit soon, like, before you use the gun on them? ;>
#175196 54 Tue Oct 18 18:41:03 1994 [Just call me] Megamol [@ tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
Fortunately I don't work again til Friday and they should be done with that part by ears are still really sensitive today though......
#173359 54 Tue Oct 18 23:51:34 1994 [Cyberpunk] FRuG @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
#175192 54 Wed Oct 19 07:58:38 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Now just what (or should I say who's) were you snapping Frug. :)
#175194 54 Wed Oct 19 09:43:21 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I know what you mean. Gahd! mine are still ringing from having the street sweeper go by, and by, and by, and by...
#175193 54 Wed Oct 19 16:25:38 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
wow i talked to strangers today and they didn't look at me like i had suddenly sprouted a second or possibly third head betwixt my shoulders.
#176821 54 Wed Oct 19 19:58:27 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
yeah Frug -- was that temper or mind, and yours or Molly's?
#177262 54 Wed Oct 19 23:21:28 1994 [Under The Sea] LITTLE MERMAID @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
(ouch!) = - 0
#177260 54 Wed Oct 19 23:38:07 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Nice feeling isn't it LR? Now if I could just manage that...
#177261 54 Thu Oct 20 08:26:08 1994 Solitaire @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
I tend not to talk to strangers, cause my mommy told me not too....hehe.
#176838 54 Thu Oct 20 15:31:50 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Then why are you talking to us Soli? We are definitely strange. :)
#177296 54 Thu Oct 20 17:16:24 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
grump grump grump.
#176837 54 Thu Oct 20 21:12:19 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
oh no, LM is imitating bw now! someone send her to the hugs, kisses, and tickle rooms in that order!
#176839 54 Thu Oct 20 21:59:01 1994 Solitaire @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
Well, you are... And the other BW is... and a few others, but there are some here that aren't.... a very few some though. I guess I never listened to my parents on those kindsa things anyways.
#177288 54 Fri Oct 21 08:49:01 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I didn't either. That's why I am here, (besides fitting in so well). :)
#177134 54 Fri Oct 21 16:42:34 1994 [I have come from Isles] GB [to say hello.] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
well heck... I'm not a social butterfly. Now, I ain't sick er nothin', I don't tie myself up you know... You know, I just like tp spend a little time with myself is all... hmm... Tom Waits.. I love Tom Waits...
#177135 54 Fri Oct 21 18:04:59 1994 [Just call me] Megamol [hippie child] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
GB!!!!!! Making the scene with a magazine????? (I love Tom Waits too)
#176854 54 Fri Oct 21 20:30:18 1994 Puddleglum @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
I dont usuy talk to stranger because I'm so shy and all. Thats why.
#176855 54 Fri Oct 21 23:08:59 1994 Solitaire @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
That's another reason..
#177136 54 Sat Oct 22 08:37:00 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Right Puddle. We really belive that you never talk to us. :) After all we are all strange.
#177043 54 Sat Oct 22 09:54:38 1994 Solitaire @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
I'm not strange.
#176866 54 Sat Oct 22 20:11:35 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Then what are you doing here Soli?
#177123 54 Sun Oct 23 01:51:40 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
Oh get out of the room if you're not going to talk to LA REINE. Hey, Queenie baby, you never post in here nae'meur.
#177076 54 Sun Oct 23 10:41:22 1994 [I have come from Isles] GB [to say hello.] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
LA REINE, I love you. There. um. Yes, Tom Waits is a God. It's story time again kids... This is a story about Big Joe, and the Phantom 309...
#177077 54 Sun Oct 23 11:18:32 1994 Mary Stark @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
the piano has been drinking.
#176914 54 Sun Oct 23 14:49:59 1994 Puddleglum @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
Hello La Reine. :)
#177078 54 Sun Oct 23 15:33:10 1994 [Just call me] Megamol [hippie child] @ Tellagraph Hill, sea
GB I'd rather hear about Nighthawks at the Diner if you don't mind...Phantom 309 is kinda kinda...*sniff* it kinda chokes me up inside.....
#177015 54 Sun Oct 23 18:23:37 1994 [Cyberpunk] FRuG @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
*snap* My fingers, and LA REINE comes hether. :-) Come over LR, I'm bored.
#177075 54 Sun Oct 23 18:26:11 1994 [Ozzie] Ozzie @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
She has been rather quiet of late, hasn't she? :O
#177016 54 Sun Oct 23 21:48:29 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
oh really? >arches eyerows in a highly spock-like fashion<
#176877 54 Mon Oct 24 07:30:02 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
hey i was computer-less for the weekend. i barely survived.
#177317 54 Mon Oct 24 12:31:40 1994 [need you dream you find you] GorgonZolA SlinKy [taste you fuck you use you] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
highly illogical.
#177319 54 Mon Oct 24 14:46:21 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is taking applications] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
heh. welcome to leanne's short attention span.
#177320 54 Mon Oct 24 18:33:35 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, sea
wow, such a nice place you got here. kind of cramped, for an attention span though. thinking of doing some renovating? oops, time to go check the laundry...
#177318 54 Mon Oct 24 22:29:22 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
eek!!!!!!! a computerless weekend? I even managed to sneak onto LNZ when I was out at Line NoiZe central this weekend when no one was looking, of course... ;>
#177321 54 Tue Oct 25 03:33:10 1994 [Can you see] Torch Song [the inner light?] @ Twilight Voice, City in the Clouds, US/WA/WHATCOM
"sneak" sis? okaaaaayyy.... (multiple alleged sneaks, actually... GOTCHA!)
#176849 54 Tue Oct 25 08:31:21 1994 [the very single] LA REINE [is now taking applications] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
froot loops do not go on the keyboard.
#176824 54 Tue Oct 25 14:02:18 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
damn, caught again. :>