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#15844 50 Mon Nov 25 17:17:16 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
I'll take that as a maybe...
#15928 50 Mon Nov 25 19:29:17 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
Maybe is good.
#16032 50 Tue Nov 26 07:33:54 1991 [Santa, and Satan] Chris the Shaych [On the next, Geraldo.]
My room is dying a slow painful death.
#16039 50 Tue Nov 26 09:57:43 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
I suppose so... It'll rise again, someday...
#16111 50 Tue Nov 26 14:15:33 1991 [Santa, and Satan] Chris the Shaych [On the next, Geraldo.]
Yes, everything that I have tends to rise from time to time.
#16123 50 Tue Nov 26 14:39:36 1991 [b1What's this?0c] Lightning [f31COLOR?03]
Including your spirits...
#16191 50 Tue Nov 26 18:39:17 1991 [New Century] Chris the Shaych [Knights]
That wasn't the innuendo that I had in mind...
#16201 50 Tue Nov 26 18:59:31 1991 [fLet's get03] Lightning [fPhilosophical03]
I know...
#16232 50 Tue Nov 26 20:06:25 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
i don't think i'll be calling for a while...
#16268 50 Tue Nov 26 20:28:01 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
why's that spurt?
#16291 50 Wed Nov 27 00:20:41 1991 [fLet's get03] Lightning [fPhilosophical03]
He's on a mission to find God...
#16321 50 Wed Nov 27 08:58:58 1991 [Remember, I can smell a lie] Blade Runner [like a fart in a car.]
Why? Just ask Bill & Ted... they know.
#16407 50 Wed Nov 27 18:07:29 1991 [Sorry for the inconvience,I'm] Scorpion [Having technical difficulties]
Audin> Get a hard disk, if I don't call everyday, I miss half the conversation.
#16429 50 Wed Nov 27 19:09:33 1991 [New Century] Chris the Shaych [Knights]
I call every day, and I still miss half the conversation!
#16434 50 Wed Nov 27 19:28:41 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
huh? what are you talking about?
#16450 50 Wed Nov 27 20:18:21 1991 Isis
stuff is cycled really sucks 'cause I see people responding to things I supposedly wrote that I have absolutely no receluction of, and can't look back to see...
#16463 50 Wed Nov 27 20:50:00 1991 [fLet's get03] Lightning [fPhilosophical03]
Recollection, I think... I know, it's annoying... Some highly used rooms end up with 1 message, or 0 messages, just because they scroll off...
#16494 50 Wed Nov 27 22:02:34 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
#16514 50 Wed Nov 27 23:00:50 1991 [fLet's get03] Lightning [fPhilosophical03]
#16529 50 Thu Nov 28 06:27:54 1991 Shane
this is fucked. I'm cracking.
#16553 50 Thu Nov 28 09:21:52 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
i think shane has caught whatever spur has had...
#16577 50 Thu Nov 28 13:14:22 1991 [dHi, fHow are] Captain James T Kirk [fYou fdToday?]
Yea, it is really anoying, but, I can't get a hard drive running in this damned tandy. so, untill i upgrade to a 286, it probely goin to be like this... Hmm, maybe i could increase the message base size to about 300k... Hmm, i'd have to kill the help screens... Dose anyone mind if i kill the help messages? If i do, i could increase the message base size to 250-300k. Columbia crest has 512k, so you can see what a diffrence it would make. I curently have a 150k base. Hmm, and i'm gunna net too... i'll have to increase it, or the net messages will scroll all the local messages...
#16586 50 Thu Nov 28 13:43:36 1991 Isis
Well Roya you could be next in line....what I think is happening is people are pissed to begin with and reacting badly to things they normally wouldn AUDIN - DON'T FUCKING NET!!!!!!!!!!!! we've been through this before...
#16603 50 Thu Nov 28 14:09:24 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
i know i said before, i'm on the brink...any day now...
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