Lightning Comments>

#93 51 Wed Jan 2 11:30:34 1991 Lightning
My room... It's back... I'm glad... It's rad... So post... Or not... I will... No matter what... So there...
#131 51 Wed Jan 2 21:30:46 1991 [naked] deadman [lunch]
this is a post.
#187 51 Thu Jan 3 03:04:02 1991 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
Thank you... I'm honored that you would post in my room... I bow down to you...
#263 51 Thu Jan 3 11:33:01 1991 Blade Runner
Whew, I was about to call you Miss Depesto for a minute there Lightning old boy...
#301 51 Thu Jan 3 14:51:25 1991 [The] Italian Stallion [Speaks.]
this is a post and only a post. if this had been an actual message in need of swift delivery and carried with all due immediacy a local carrier service would have been used.....this has been a test of the late nite posting system....carried through phone lines via electronic mail services of blablalbalbalablablabal......
#606 51 Sat Jan 5 02:23:16 1991 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
Verily... See ya...
#1215 53 Mon Jul 22 20:14:15 1991 [My moral old underwear] zied [has run away.]
yeah I liked them, alot better than the usual monotomy. you might reword them a bit to hold the suspense a little better, but the plot was real good. put them on CC and net 'em.
#1249 53 Mon Jul 22 21:47:00 1991 [The Author] Lightning [and Scholar...]
Okay, I'll try to get them over to CC...
#1478 53 Fri Jul 26 09:51:20 1991 [Gardens are blooming] The Mistress [On my back proch.]
Whoa, Cool. I really liked those stories. Especialy the one about the execution. I wish I could write like that. That to me is the best way to express one's selg than voices.
#1596 53 Fri Jul 26 21:27:39 1991 [I'd be a whole lot smaller...] Lightning [...If I weren't so damn BIG!]
Thanks... It helps to have an over-active imagination...
#1683 53 Sat Jul 27 10:45:43 1991 [Gardens are blooming] The Mistress [On my back proch.]
I do, but knowing when and where to write things is my problem. :)
#1700 53 Sat Jul 27 18:11:19 1991 [My moral standing] Shane [is posessed by a demon]
I have an overactive imagination. just on the wrong subjects.
#1718 53 Sat Jul 27 21:02:18 1991 Isis
What subjects would the be??????? (like I can't guess the answer)
#1741 53 Sat Jul 27 23:05:46 1991 Isis
I don't have a comment. I'm just leaving messages. It's hard to leave messages when you were the last one to post in a room.
#1857 53 Sun Jul 28 17:15:28 1991 [My Moral standing] zied [blew my life's savings at Rio]
an overactive imagination is never bad, hehe, I'm sure someone will appreciate it.
#2507 53 Tue Aug 6 11:39:19 1991 [Be it] The Mistress [As it may.]
Yep, yep, yep.
#2524 53 Tue Aug 6 13:26:52 1991 [Would you believe me] Shane [when I tell you]
I appreciate it.
#2646 53 Wed Aug 7 11:28:43 1991 [that doesn't frost my cookies] zied [hen hen]
welcoem welcome welcome.
#2957 53 Fri Aug 9 12:40:25 1991 [I need a new surname] zied [hows this?]
hey hey hey
#3059 53 Fri Aug 9 21:30:39 1991 [Sir] Lightning [of Ziplington...]'s FAAAAAAAAAAAAAT Zied... And he's gonna sing a song for youuuuuu... And you're gonna learn a ting or twoooooooo...
#3114 53 Sat Aug 10 11:54:12 1991 [look out!] Shane [is trying to learn TheDraw!]
can I be rudy?
#10814 53 Thu Oct 17 19:26:14 1991 [come on over...] Shane [SHOOT the SHIT]
that's not saying much, zpur.
#10907 53 Sun Oct 20 03:45:26 1991 [Life is...........] James T Kirk [Um, hmmmm.......]
Zpur, neat-o.
#10931 53 Sun Oct 20 04:05:01 1991 [Life is good] Spur [when you're having sex...]
Zpun. Ca.ll me Zpen.
#11100 53 Tue Oct 22 09:59:49 1991 Chris the Shaych
Call me anytime! Puns, puns, puns, puns! Spam, spam, spam, spam!
#11107 53 Tue Oct 22 12:21:58 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
Let's krash school net!
#11163 53 Tue Oct 22 13:40:20 1991 [Your mouth is filled with] Roya [an anarchy of teeth...]
Spur is Neat-o. like my feet-o..
#11167 53 Tue Oct 22 13:54:21 1991 [Big Cheese...] Shane [MAKE ME!!!]
Crash skoolnet!! Crash skoolnet!! Crash skoolnet!! Hahahahahahahah!!!!
#11231 53 Tue Oct 22 17:49:34 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
I wonder if Schmore still has that articel he published on ecery bbs in town...
#11238 53 Tue Oct 22 18:37:18 1991 [Big Cheese...] Shane [MAKE ME!!!]
I dunno...
#11309 53 Tue Oct 22 22:01:36 1991 Snailracer
Ever think about breaking and entering with a bulk tape eraser?
#11363 53 Wed Oct 23 08:01:19 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
Not particularly...
#11486 53 Thu Oct 24 13:48:19 1991 [oh penis] Shane [if you will...]
nneeaatt local echos while offline are nneeaatt
#11503 53 Thu Oct 24 16:37:30 1991 [Jane says,] Spur ["I'm gonna quit tomorrow..."]
Nnoo ddoouubbtt,, dduuddee..
#11518 53 Thu Oct 24 16:53:29 1991 [What's wrong with him?] Shane [He's an exhaust baby..]
#15796 53 Mon Nov 25 13:17:22 1991 [bNOT] Roya [NOT]
no messages here....
#15805 53 Mon Nov 25 13:35:26 1991 [dHi, fHow are] Captain James T Kirk [fYou fdToday?]
#15806 53 Mon Nov 25 13:35:34 1991 [dHi, fHow are] Captain James T Kirk [fYou fdToday?]
Wait a min... i see one..
#15816 53 Mon Nov 25 13:51:27 1991 [I wanna be] tony [like MIKE!]
No, no I see one too!
#15855 53 Mon Nov 25 17:35:41 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
Hooray! My room is Saved!!! Once upon a time, in Hell...
#15888 53 Mon Nov 25 18:35:03 1991 [Santa, and Satan] Chris the Shaych [On the next, Geraldo.]
You are all imagining things... there are no messages here... thank you for your cooperation...
#15939 53 Mon Nov 25 19:35:06 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
#16048 53 Tue Nov 26 10:04:48 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
Big Brother is watching you, and he's pissed...
#16245 53 Tue Nov 26 20:13:32 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
like my kist
#16281 53 Tue Nov 26 23:26:00 1991 [Oh no it's the snail] Snailracer [that ate the dinosaurs!]
Dear NSA employee, I think it really sucks that you are reading this. I know that you are not allowed to actually say anything back to the public, but I think that you personally should consider the violation of US citizens rights; you could be next. If you are sometimes fed up by knowing that what you do is wrong, you should quit and find a job that is not violating people's dignity. Sure, most of what is intended by monitoring BBSes is to find people that are trying to sneak nuclear bombs into the country or people that want to kill the president with a sniper rifle, but what you are doing is wrong. Reconsider your source of employment. Sincerely, (you know this anyway)
#16350 53 Wed Nov 27 11:37:56 1991 [New Century] Chris the Shaych [Knights]
Allright, I'm sorry.
#16382 53 Wed Nov 27 15:50:01 1991 [fLet's get03] Lightning [fPhilosophical03]
What ever...
#16499 53 Wed Nov 27 22:07:31 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
So, someone is actually reading this stuff? Right.... They would never pay someone to read this board.
#16518 53 Wed Nov 27 23:02:55 1991 [fLet's get03] Lightning [fPhilosophical03]
Yeah, I guess so...
#16538 53 Thu Nov 28 07:22:41 1991 [New Century] Chris the Shaych [Knights]
Oh, you never know... BTW: What are your real names?
#16558 53 Thu Nov 28 09:25:34 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
is this Lightning comments, like in the process of doing, or is it lightning comments, where he comments on things?
#2389 53 Thu Dec 19 11:26:55 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
civility here Lightning, come on, you know better than that!?
#2342 53 Thu Dec 19 17:14:45 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Okay... He can stay... But only if he tries to be civil...
#2429 53 Fri Dec 20 10:10:33 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Yeah, but it was worth a try...
#2449 53 Fri Dec 20 10:29:49 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
it's always worth a try, but here it'll never work...
#2461 53 Fri Dec 20 13:01:59 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
I guess not... Oh, well...
#2482 53 Fri Dec 20 15:05:21 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
So Be It!
#2555 53 Fri Dec 20 22:19:48 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Let us be as civil as possible, even though we all know civility is nigh on impossible... King Lightning has spoken...
#2765 53 Sat Dec 21 23:46:58 1991 Spur [burn BM productions]
#2833 53 Sun Dec 22 10:51:31 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Uh, oh? What's that for?
#2917 53 Sun Dec 22 14:31:56 1991 Spur [burn BM productions]
the kind has spoken...
#3036 53 Sun Dec 22 20:52:40 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
'kind' Lightning has spoken!! :)
#3051 53 Sun Dec 22 21:13:10 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Thanks... :) How kind of you...
#3179 53 Mon Dec 23 09:00:20 1991 [Are Romulans] Chris the Shaych [Good in bed?]
How king of you. I need to become a god, then I won't be depressed. Maybe. Perhaps I can convince T'Patt that I am a god. He seems easy to convince.
#3284 53 Mon Dec 23 16:20:57 1991 Spur [burn BMI productions]
Yeah, maybe I should change my nym to spur the god. Nah, too much trouble.
#3285 53 Mon Dec 23 16:21:10 1991 Spur [the God]
There, that's better,
#3291 53 Mon Dec 23 17:09:18 1991 [And you can all suck my dick] bill [Taking turns of course.]
that was easy
#3317 53 Mon Dec 23 18:36:39 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
and a little twisted... but hey, that's ok...
#3380 53 Mon Dec 23 22:00:55 1991 Spur [the God]
hey, good enough for me.
#3431 53 Mon Dec 23 23:11:03 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
As long as it works... I like my surnames... They fit me well enough to keep for a while...
#3517 53 Tue Dec 24 11:26:16 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
#3542 53 Tue Dec 24 12:32:43 1991 [mommy] deadman [mommy]
hmm...what a nifty idea.
#3543 53 Tue Dec 24 12:33:38 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
yeah, it just feels right.
#3569 53 Tue Dec 24 13:15:51 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Most excellent, O-he-who-lives-not-but-has-cool-surnames...
#3670 53 Tue Dec 24 21:00:30 1991 [God] Captain James T Kirk [of Star Fleet Academy...]
There we go...
#3784 53 Wed Dec 25 10:22:15 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
all you gods of surnames..... ACK!!
#3801 53 Wed Dec 25 11:31:36 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
Thats better...
#3853 53 Wed Dec 25 17:54:56 1991 [I went carolling] Isis [It was fun]
I'm sick of being a goddess...I can't think of another nym though...other than Cleopatra, but I'm also too lazy to change it...Athena isn't bad, but she's a goddess too...
#3885 53 Wed Dec 25 19:09:20 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
I think you should find a 'nym and stick with it... IT's really anoying to have people switching names every other day... (Just a segestion..)_
#3911 53 Wed Dec 25 19:50:27 1991 [I am a] Stupid Fuckhead [and I like it.]
you're welcome to borrow my nym.
#4007 53 Wed Dec 25 23:00:15 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
yeah, isis. become 'shane'.
#4070 53 Thu Dec 26 08:37:17 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
but then I would have the image of being a FLIRT...
#341 51 Sat Jan 4 11:11:03 1992 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
Blade> Miss Depesto? I'm not Italian enough... And I don't like Cybil Sheppard... Bleah... Stallion> Thanks for stoppin' by... Down with the USPS...
#388 51 Sat Jan 4 12:45:25 1992 Italian Stallion
Agreed. But not until the large box of shit that wouldn't fit on the plane gets to my house.
#427 51 Sat Jan 4 14:33:58 1992 TUNA
Italian Stallion> Hi, mikee!!!
#456 51 Sat Jan 4 20:18:15 1992 Blade Runner
Lightning> yea, Depesto... you started to rhyme there for a sec. Why Cybil Sheppard? she was a different character...
#501 51 Sat Jan 4 22:23:03 1992 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
Well, I mean her in REAL life, which is usually not too real at all...
#523 51 Sat Jan 4 23:18:22 1992 Italian Stallion
"Hi, mikee!!!"??? That would be McGeek....Jenny Saulino's boyfriend. A.K.A Scorpion and an entirely different person. Anyway...Hi (Since I assume you are really talking to me), and how are you and who are you?
#541 51 Sun Jan 5 00:22:50 1992 Spur
ah yes... mcgeek.
#583 51 Sun Jan 5 11:32:22 1992 chiquita
How nice.
#644 51 Sun Jan 5 16:59:17 1992 Italian Stallion
#662 51 Sun Jan 5 18:26:39 1992 Isis
John - you spelt mikie wrong, anyway, only I can call him that, I started it to get even with him for some reason (don't remember what now) Mike - He's John Tunison, plays baritone in band...
#844 51 Mon Jan 6 20:24:26 1992 [More loose screws] Scorpion [than a hardware store]
Sorry to dissapoint you Mike but we're not going out. Everyone thinks that if you go to a dance with someone and then talk to them after it you're automaticly "going out". It really annoys me. Every dance I've gone to, everyone thinks I'm going out with that person.
#979 51 Tue Jan 7 16:43:25 1992 Italian Stallion
Really? Most people ask if you like her or not. I guess its a very fresen soph more think to 熰f鄦 f捂鄝x苸橒骝鴃励 �2瀤噜烒€f䴓8>䥺~~餱xff哷€瀫鎓~`鏄烖`€�2xf骀郹x&�>~f嘅2噫` 瀪䎬鴉唂槅`€瀈梧€炧€`fxf鎥瀎氯€炂~幬樻槥2>啚鎲鎓鄕嗵纩x騲xx8x樻鵀帏䥺~&~ff€嘅 shit..I'm goin got pis you off but ..take this!
#980 51 Tue Jan 7 16:44:52 1992 Italian Stallion
Hm....caller hung up finally.... Anyway.. I just thought you were cuss she was giving her friends the impression that you and her were "Seeing eachother" or maybe more...I just askedI肝&~灅~龶~纩x~䜣鴃f€單x€鏄`䎬f€`绬鎥&ff鴢纩傕f`�>x虨f瀈x槥嗋~~f>`€槝瀤鵀~f~`榵榵炴�8鴉鴛&榽瀤樴帏`鴢f榒啒鴢x8~烒~鴛傴骀0龹>`鴡x鏋唜x€帼xxxxxx炂榒励f䥺橚纮唵灋烒噫ff� +0ucuss I wasn't sure!�
#981 51 Tue Jan 7 16:48:18 1992 Italian Stallion
To get even with me? Probably fer waswas or willbewillbe but I didn't know that. I just thought you were being cute. Anyhow...I already knew it was John but thanks..(And yes I know who he is!) ... Ya konw what? Call Waiting can really suck! I should disconnect it cause I'm already calling back eve4rbody who I need to talk to tonight!
#995 51 Tue Jan 7 17:43:39 1992 Isis
Actually, I started to get even, but I suppose I'm still using it in a way "to be cute", but that's not how I'd phrase it. Scorp - that's why you make it VERY CLEAR to people you're just friends, although I've heard Jenny has a habit of doing things like that, didn't she do it to Chris too? Like tell a bunch of people they were more than friends?
#1013 51 Tue Jan 7 18:14:34 1992 Blade Runner
Ital> just turn off the call waiting when you use the computer... it works great...
#1041 51 Tue Jan 7 19:01:25 1992 [More loose screws] Scorpion [than a hardware store]
I don't know. I haven't really done anything that I would consider 'more than friends'.
#1077 51 Tue Jan 7 19:57:22 1992 Isis
Make sure she realizes that, it'll save her a lot of hurt in the long run if you make sure may seem jerky now, but like I said, you'll be more of a jerk if you just let it go...Subtally mention to her how much you value her FRIENDSHIP, and you hope your FRIENDSHIP never changes...unless you like her (which is your buisness) I just don't like seeing people get hurt when there isn't the need.
#1110 51 Wed Jan 8 07:53:20 1992 [naked] deadman [lunch]
i was recently in a situation that was just like this. clear the air now, or in a month you'll be wanting to commit murder.....
#1419 51 Thu Jan 9 20:52:07 1992 [Fuck the stupid ref] Scorpion [That made me cut my hair]
I'm usually on the verge of wanting to kill someone, it just varies who and how bad. Observe title/surname.
#2372 51 Sat Feb 22 12:28:06 1992 ETHAN WALKER
aloH. si ydobyna esle ereh?
#2492 51 Sun Feb 23 16:54:09 1992 Italian Stallion
nope. He's at school.
#2718 51 Tue Feb 25 02:16:44 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Right to left, you mean.
#2649 51 Tue Feb 25 02:52:27 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
you know, he's not really writing backwords... if he was, we'd be reading his messages from left to right... i say he's a POSER.
#2761 51 Tue Feb 25 14:36:28 1992 ETHAN WALKER
!stprecxe tnaillirb ym daer ot stcejer laicos uoy rof reisae ti ekam ot gniyrt saw I ,dratsab yllautcA
#2799 51 Tue Feb 25 20:30:31 1992 Italian Stallion
#2838 51 Wed Feb 26 02:51:46 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
NOW HOLD ON. You know what i think? I think, it's just an excuse, cause he's a wanna be SUPERPREP... yeah...
#2839 51 Wed Feb 26 02:51:49 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
#2903 51 Wed Feb 26 13:42:02 1992 Isis
I actually prefer the messages being like that last one, either readin from right to left or left to right, instead of having to jump back and forth..
#2916 51 Wed Feb 26 14:42:29 1992 Italian Stallion
What the hell connection can you make with Ethan and SuperCyrus? Its amazing that a short little fuck like yerself can possibly stretch that far, ayoR.
#2941 51 Wed Feb 26 19:19:08 1992 ETHAN WALKER
uoy wonk ayoR, fi uoy dneb revo dna tniap a gib "W" no hcae fo ruoy ttub skeehc, dna neht uoy tneb revo, ti dluow lleps "WOW" pmuwguM "eht taerg"
#3004 51 Wed Feb 26 23:15:37 1992 Italian Stallion
#3019 51 Thu Feb 27 02:40:17 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
hehe... funny, very funny... sorry, don't mind me, i'm just having trouble adjusting to these backwards messages... like some other people around here.
#3046 51 Thu Feb 27 07:46:12 1992 Spur
rebmemer nehw Smailliw-daehtihs draeh uoy yas taht?
#3074 51 Thu Feb 27 15:50:04 1992 ETHAN WALKER
uoy teb!! woh did uoy wonk taht? ohw era uoy?? dratsab..dah ot yas ti...... ..............pmuwguM "eht taerg"
#3122 51 Thu Feb 27 20:56:24 1992 Spur
sure, no prob. Nathan. You know, the little geek that tries to show his dick to everyone, but they can't see it...
#3163 51 Thu Feb 27 22:59:45 1992 [Naturally slow...] Lightning [Please walk slowly...]
WOW!!! This room's still HERE!!! I'm very happy... ?dpuS-nahtE ,tcejer laicos a gnillac uoy er'ohW
#3185 51 Fri Feb 28 02:54:16 1992 [In your] Oyra [face Nirvana!]
no comment.
#3352 51 Fri Feb 28 09:45:49 1992 [Naturally slow...] Lightning [Please walk slowly...]
Good for you, Roya-Oyra...
#3378 51 Fri Feb 28 16:21:17 1992 ["I've got women to do"] Blade Runner ["and places to see"]
Wow, it's so much faster when you don't have to read all the messages... BECAUSE THEY"RE ALL BLOODY BACKWARDS!! talk about taking things too far..
Lightning Comments> _