Ten Forward Lounge>

#883 55 Fri Jan 24 18:55:50 1992 [The Death Bringer] Lolo [Nifty Guy] @ The Enterprise, Dublin, CA
I think that you are talking to yourself Mister. Would you consider yourself a disturbed man?
#884 55 Fri Jan 24 21:19:28 1992 Dwidian @ The Enterprise, Dublin, CA
Hmm, tell me about it. I happened to be trained in Psychology (as my rank title/surname will tell you). Let's talk about your mother. How did she treat you as a kid? Were you ever dropped on your head?
#885 55 Mon Jan 27 15:01:43 1992 Captain James T Kirk @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
Coool, where netting with calafornia again!
#886 55 Tue Jan 28 16:22:24 1992 Centauri @ The Enterprise, Dublin, CA
- - o o < (_) Shoot the counselor?!?
#888 55 Tue Jan 28 22:24:09 1992 Dwidian @ The Enterprise, Dublin, CA
Ahh, Spur, you troubled, troubled individual. Well, that's okay. I can take it. I understand you have to let all you angers and frustrations out on someone, so it might as well be me.
#887 55 Wed Jan 29 15:12:44 1992 [4-D...] Captain James T Kirk [Coooooooooool...] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
Centuari, He isn't a Trekkie... Needless to say...
#889 55 Sat Feb 1 01:03:17 1992 [Campus crusade for] Cthulhu [wants your soul] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
Put Wesley in the transporter, then use HIS energy to shoot the counciler
#1242 55 Sun Feb 16 20:31:54 1992 [Yes it's true...] Spur [50 watts are MINE!]
all right... i guess this means i get to set it on kill?
#1325 55 Mon Feb 17 07:24:08 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Wide despersal...
#1668 55 Tue Feb 18 18:53:50 1992 [] [] [] Scorpion [] [] [] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
#1669 55 Tue Feb 18 21:32:00 1992 [sysop] Steve Baxter [206-786-9248] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
#1692 55 Wed Feb 19 06:58:35 1992 [Clear the roads...] Captain James T Kirk [Audin's in trafic safty...] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
#1833 55 Wed Feb 19 15:16:21 1992 Sassy 1 @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
#1774 55 Wed Feb 19 19:08:11 1992 [Yes it's true...] Spur [50 watts are MINE!]
#1834 55 Wed Feb 19 20:01:45 1992 [Clear the roads...] Captain James T Kirk [Audin's in trafic safty...] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
#1835 55 Wed Feb 19 20:01:48 1992 [Clear the roads...] Captain James T Kirk [Audin's in trafic safty...] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
#1836 55 Wed Feb 19 21:24:59 1992 Sassy 1 @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
#1837 55 Wed Feb 19 22:23:21 1992 [Tap dancin' on] Blade Runner [a landmine...] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
#1838 55 Wed Feb 19 23:04:27 1992 [The only mistake] stderr [I ever maked.] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
Big Boeing Cut Backs!
#1839 55 Wed Feb 19 23:59:36 1992 [] [] [] Scorpion [] [] [] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
Oooooooookey, now that everyone is confused...
#1859 55 Thu Feb 20 03:13:02 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
i'm confused about the way you just spelled "okee".
#1936 55 Thu Feb 20 11:51:23 1992 [The only mistake] stderr [I ever maked.] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
Haven't you all heard? Thousands are being laid off. DEPRESSION IN WASHINGTON!
#1937 55 Thu Feb 20 15:38:32 1992 Sassy 1 @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
#2235 55 Thu Feb 20 16:09:23 1992 Monty @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
i've been depressed AND in washington for a long time...
#1938 55 Thu Feb 20 16:34:51 1992 [] [] [] Scorpion [] [] [] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, US 206 786 9248
Roya> ever hear Bull on Night Court say 'ok'? It was supposted to sound like that.
#2002 55 Thu Feb 20 20:32:12 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
Scorpion- yeah, that's why i say "ooook" instead of "okee" sometimes... it's supposed to sound like him.
#2052 55 Fri Feb 21 13:13:21 1992 Shane
#2346 55 Sat Feb 22 02:36:17 1992 Shane
the two go hand in hand
#2494 55 Sun Feb 23 16:56:02 1992 Italian Stallion
He'll probably commit suicide soon.
Ten Forward Lounge> _